El día sábado 1ro de junio, Flan de la Casa se unió al Casco Station, Hexagram y La Tienda de Remedios, para realizar el Design Day. Empezamos con el taller Open Source para Artistas Digitales, un taller de Blender básico, donde participantes de diferentes disciplinas tuvieron una experiencia práctica, enfocándonos en modeling y los comandos […]
Speaking of 2D, here’s a 2D and 3D hybrid, in which Pascualín is a magician and makes Mini Chocochip Cookies by Pascual appear. This is a small demonstration of what is behind the scenes of the Flan. So here goes Mini Chocochip BTS. Mini Chocochip is the first commercial sequence Flan de la Casa has […]
Cycles de Blender no deja de impresionarme y la rapidez con la que Blender saca actualizaciones es aun más sorprendente. Blender Cycles ya está equipado con un shader de Subsurface Scattering, o SSS, y es el más fácil de fijar y ajustar. Subsurface scattering es lo que ocurre dentro de objetos traslúcidos: la cera de […]
Recently, Disney fired most of the classic animators it had left. More than one called this “the end of 2D”. There is no such thing. The future of these former Disney animators does not worry me at all. They already know how to work together and know their strengths and weaknesses. That’s already more than […]