Planning Should be an animation principle. There, I said it. One thing that has doubled my animation production capabilites and has taken my performances out of doubt and injected fun to the whole mix, is learning how to do proper planning. I say it must be an animation principle, because it’s the phase of animation […]
Archive for the ‘Trucos/tips’ Category
Here are some basic animation tips for beginner animators. Tips I would have loved to hear back then, when I didn’t know tips existed. You want to start learning animation, but don’t want to be overwhelmed with tons of things you won’t need right away for every animation you make? Start Small. What do I […]
If you have been using Blender Cycles, you’re probably familiar with with the term “fireflies”. It’s those annoying bright dots in your render, that makes your image look, well, like you couldn’t solve that problem. This post aims to get rid of, or at least, reduce those fireflies in Blender Cycles. First of all, they’re […]
En Blender 2.69, 2.70, 2.71 y 2.72 el addon de Rigify tiene un error, que al momento de generar el rig, las extremidades no aparecen como huesos, incluso la piel de los brazos y piernas parecieran estar colocados y a pesar de que el controlador esta ahi, no lo siguen, peor aun, se encogen, y solo […]
The matte painting technique is used since the film exists, but the matte painting projected on a three dimensional surface is newer, and on a digital 3D surface, even newer. With this technique, you can take shots that move, and bring a sense of depth, as long as the camera does not turn too. In […]
As a freelance animator, living in Panama, you have to be some sort of octopus who runs a marathon while juggling. You have to be fast, you have to be on top of everything and endure while keeping your sanity. Being a night person, who does all-nighters, charged with energy drinks is not the sane […]